The Grit City Podcast
The Premier Business, Community, Entertainment, and Nightlife Podcast. Hosted from The Grit City - Tacoma, Washington! Located in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
We found 1 episode of The Grit City Podcast with the tag “comic”.
Comedian - Dave Losso
August 23rd, 2021 | 1 hr 15 mins
careless whisper of a man, comedian, comic, dave losso, the hot dog guy
Recently relocated to the PNW, Dave Losso is originally from Chicago and has been all over the country headlining comedy shows. Labeled “a joke machine” by Savage Henry Magazine, he’s worked with such acts as Kyle Kinane, Ari Shaffir, Sean Patton, Johnny Pemberton, Josh Fadem, and Adam Clayton-Holland. His debut album is out now; you can find it on Vimeo: