The Grit City Podcast
The Premier Business, Community, Entertainment, and Nightlife Podcast. Hosted from The Grit City - Tacoma, Washington! Located in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
We found 1 episode of The Grit City Podcast with the tag “spooky”.
GCP: Sunday Sermon- Oktober! Bonus - GCP Gamer talk with Derek
October 9th, 2024 | 57 mins 44 secs
derek, gaming, gcp gamers, horror games, horror movies, mount adams, oktoberfest, scary games, spooky, the sometimes geek
On this episode, Scott and Jeff welcome new listeners and chat about Oktoberfest, horror movies, scary games, and Mount Adams's increased activity. The podcast also includes the next installment of Derek’s, aka The Sometimes Geek, Gaming series, which recommends horror games to enjoy as we approach the spooky season.