The Grit City Podcast
The Premier Business, Community, Entertainment, and Nightlife Podcast. Hosted from The Grit City - Tacoma, Washington! Located in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
We found 1 episode of The Grit City Podcast with the tag “south end”.
GCP: Isaac Pennoyer - SENCo
August 16th, 2023 | 1 hr 13 mins
coaster questions, community, council member number eight, isaac pennoyer, politics, senco, south end, south end neighborhood council, volunteer
In this episode, the crew talks to Isaac Pennoyer, council member number eight, from SENCo. SENCo, (South End Neighborhood Council) is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to advocating for the South End by connecting the community to City services & each other. People are invited to join SENCo meetings happening Mondays at 7 PM.