Episode 119
Quarantined 6
May 11th, 2020
24 mins 4 secs
About this Episode
Scott and Justin sit down to give their listeners a quick update on what’s coming up in the next couple weeks. They talk about The Marble League, the different resources Tacoma Public Libraries offers, and documentaries Justin has been watching through Kanopy. Scott talks about what the Backwoodsman Managzine contributers write about, Justin gives a shout out to Pretty Gritty Tours and tells the listeners what the crew there has been up to during Stay Home Stay Healthy. They each share what they did for Mothers Day, what each of them did for their recent birthdays, and what some of the PNW businesses have been doing during Covid-19.
Support The Grit City PodcastEpisode Links
- Kanopy though the Tacoma Public Library — Do you want to stream videos anywhere any time? Kanopyopens a new window is a free on-demand film streaming service brought to you by Tacoma Public Library.
- Marble League — What is the Marble League, you ask? The Marble League is a tournament that features the most decorated and dedicated marble sports athletes.
- Tacoma Glassblowing Studio on Facebook