Episode 266
GCP: Hangout - Three Questions?
March 8th, 2023
53 mins 54 secs
About this Episode
The GCP guys hang out on this episode and talk podcasts, Union Club, movies, and the new game 3 Questions?.
00:00 – The show starts talking about weird shows before metal concerts, the amount of cash Jeff would take to have it stapled on him, and Justin talks about the pizza they enjoyed at Puget Sound Pizza. He shares how listeners can tune in live while recording, Jeff talks about why he carries a pocket of animal crackers, and Justin explains how listeners can support the podcast. He talks about past guests they’ve had on, the crazy weather that’s been going on in the PNW, and invites listeners to join them on March 10th for Mario Day.
13:47 -Derek talks about going on the Dudes with Brews on a Porch podcast to talk with a close friend about the GCP, Scott expresses how Grit City is a state of mind, and Justin talks about finding the east coast version of the Grit City. Derek talks about doing indoor golf with his wife at Tower Lanes, he talks about it being open 24 hours in the past, and the other put-put golf places in the area he’s visited. They make plans for a Tacoma Olympics, the new Discord channel Derek made, and gives his review of the new horror sci-fi movie M3gan.
27:12 – The guys discuss their reviews of the movie The Goonies, movies in the 80’s that were products of their time, and Scott recommends the rewatch of Popeye with Robin Williams. Justin runs a test of their newest game 3 questions, each of the guys share their dream vacation, and Justin explains why he would love to go to New Zealand and what he would do there if there was no limit on money.
39:52 – Derek expresses the most important thing for a workplace to have, Scott and Justin share what’s essential for them, and Jeff reflects on getting spoiled at a place he recently worked out. Scott talks about the guacamole contest at one of his jobs, Jeff describes the worst movie he’s ever watched, and Derek talks about renting bulk movies from Hollywood Video back in the day. Justin talks about the movies that were so bad they were good, if he prefers casual or professional dress, and encourages listeners to give feedback on the new game.
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