The Grit City Podcast
The Premier Business, Community, Entertainment, and Nightlife Podcast. Hosted from The Grit City - Tacoma, Washington! Located in the heart of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
We found 7 episodes of The Grit City Podcast with the tag “die cut stickers”.
GCP: Grit City Comic Show
November 15th, 2023 | 1 hr 19 mins
artist, author, c.m. kane, convention, die cut stickers, grit city comic show, justin hunt, keith, ninjawitch
On this special episode, the guys discuss their time at the Grit City Comic Show, recap interviews they were able to catch at the con that included local author C.M. Kane, local artist Justin Hunt, and Keith from Die Cut Stickers.
GCP: Thank You! 253
December 7th, 2022 | 1 hr 18 mins
253, clownvis, cosmic bottles, derek, die cut stickers, discord, patreon, shakeout, sports, supporters, thank you, union club
This time, the guys celebrate episode 253, giving thanks to Patrons, listeners, and guests that helped make it happen!!!!
Grit City Podcast: The 200th Episode!
December 27th, 2021 | 1 hr 22 mins
200, club, die cut stickers, episode, metaverse, patreon, patrons, special, union, virtual reality, vr
GCP hits the 200 mark!!!! On this special episode, the guys discuss the recent snow, virtual meet-ups, how their Christmas went, give shout-outs to GCP supporters, welcome the new year, and much more!
GCP Hangout: Black Friday
November 29th, 2021 | 1 hr 2 mins
black friday, die cut stickers, discord, hangout, hotdogs, is it tacoma, tacos, thanksgiving
This Black Friday, the GCP guys get together and discuss their Thanksgiving, the shooting at the Tacoma Mall, and play a round of Is It Tacoma?.
Saturday Night Grit - Jeff's Capades
April 19th, 2021 | 1 hr 14 mins
bobcat attacks, die cut stickers, jeffscapades. boot2boot, mini golf, saturday night grit, scott topics, sng, tacoma news
This week the guys introduce two new bits for the show, discuss PNW’s beautiful weather, the haps in the news, and GCP’s summer plans!
GCP Hang Out - Safe Streets and Street Beefs
October 5th, 2020 | 1 hr 9 mins
die cut stickers, discord, food is free, real world police, safe streets, street beefs scrapyard, tacoma
Justin, Scott, and Jeff get together to talk on Streetbeefs Scrapyard, Safe Streets, the happs with local businesses around Tacoma, what people are doing for Halloween, and where they have been eating in the PNW.
Ejay O'Donnell
April 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
die cut stickers, ejay o'donnell, instagram, street art, tacoma run club, tacoma_wa
Ejay O'Donnell stops in and talks Tacoma. Ejay is VP of, he founded the peer-to-peer mentorship group ‘Opportunity Has No Offseason’, started the Tacoma Run Club, and is the creator of the @Tacoma_WA Instagram page, which has successfully reached 22.6k followers and has become a staple Instagram page for Tacoma.