Episode 13
Fear and Loathing at Norwescon - Part 4
April 30th, 2018
1 hr 9 mins 39 secs
About this Episode
The Norwescon 41 saga comes to an end with Fear and Loathing Part IV. This time they’re joined by their friend James and also David Carnahan from The Alexandria RPG Lending Library. The Alexandria RPG Lending Library is now an official non-profit in the state of Washington where people can write off their donations made to the library. Those interested in supporting them can donate to their current GoFundMe, http://www.gofundme.com/4dzhwu0.
The show kicks off with James reminiscing about Norwescon back in the day and the classic game store in Tacoma of the 90’s, Nibbles and Bytes. They discuss the rise of Magic, Nibbles and Bytes being their second home, and the close of Wizards of the Coast in Tacoma.
15:02 – Brogan ponders on what he remembers most about Nibbles and Bytes, he discusses friends he made while gaming there, spending the weekends at Justin’s house, and the various magic tournaments they played in the PNW area. Show then turns to conversation with Cajon, one of the original founders of Defcon and conversations with people attending the Defcon Friday night during the convention.
29:50 – James talks about his return to Tacoma in 2015 after moving to California in the early 2000’s. The conversations makes a short turn discussing the pictures that Australia puts on their cigarette packs and the stringent taxes the country puts also puts on them. Talk then goes back to what has changed in Tacoma during the time James had been gone and how long he’s been going to Norwescon.
42:35 – Conversation returns to Magic and back in the day when Wizards of the Coast had pre-releases that spanned over all 48 hours of one weekend. They talk about collecting rare cards, buying and trading them to make extra money, and James’s return to playing Magic after a decade of being away. Brogan discusses the prices Magic cards are selling for today, ones that would sell at $1 back in the late 90’s are now going for $20 or more today.
54:19 – The final Fear and Loathing for 2018 comes to and end with Brogan talking with David Carnahan, the chief librarian and procurer of books for The Alexandria RPG Lending Library. David talks about the beginning of the lending library in 2016 and some of the original donations they received at Norwescon 40 in 2017. Brogan expresses his great appreciation for businesses like this and David talks about the various places and people the library gets donations from.
Thanks to everyone that joined the guys in their Norwescon 41 adventure, they look forward to hanging with you at next year’s epic NWC 42!!!!
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