Episode 12
Fear and Loathing at Norwescon - Part 3
April 23rd, 2018
1 hr 6 mins 33 secs
About this Episode
The Norwescon 41 saga continues with Fear and Loathing Part III. This time they are joined by Tommy Rice, author of the book The Lok, and the guys from Rusted Portal Games, creators of Apocalypse the Risen.
The show kicks off with the Justin sharing his recording the day before with Dan discussing his 10 years at the con, his first con experience and his favorite memory. They cover hanging out at Deathcon, participating with Twister, and the noise complaints. Brogan uses the word fleek, for those that are curious about the meaning of it, from Google Dictionary, it means: extremely good, attractive, or stylish.
15:55 – Tommy Rice discusses 41 being his first visit to the con and his book The Lok. He describes it as a book based of ideas from Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Avengers slammed together set in WWI. He explains that it has elements of electronic and steam punk based on aliens coming to the planet breaking it into conflict between the two main continents. Tom then talks about what got him into being an author and brought him to Washington.
31:32 – Tommy dives more into the reason why he started writing after his father passed, what kept him going, and the things he brings to the table with his writing. Justin opens the present Tommy brought him and Brogan gives Tommy information on what he can look forward to at the con. Tommy also tells the guys where people can buy his book and the upcoming conventions he’ll be attending.
46:20 – The guys are joined by Donoven, Jason, and Chad, creators of Apocalypse the Risen from Rusted Portal, “a post-apocalyptic fantasy horror RPG based on Earth, twenty-five years after the fall of society, in an event known as the Rise; when demons rose to power and the Risen dead first appeared”. They discuss their successful Kick Starter run and how people that missed the Kick Starter can still put in for pre-orders.
The show comes to and end with where people can find Rusted Portal Games and the plans for people to be able to go to Wizard Keep Games to play the game. Jason talks about how long they’ve been going to the con personally and representing Rusted Portal Games. The guys also cover their favorite memories of the con.
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- Volunteers | Norwescon — Norwescon is run entirely by volunteers. Each year, over 250 people generously give of their time in order to make Norwescon the best it can be for its members and participants. Volunteers are the backbone of the convention, from those of us who donate our time year round to those of you who lend a much needed helping hand for a couple of hours at the convention. Whether that is watching the doors at the Masquerade, helping out at the Registration Desk, or manning the Cloak Closet, we need that help.
- Rusted Portal Games — Apocalypse the Risen RPG