Episode 55
The Studio - Amani Taylor - Part 2
February 18th, 2019
53 mins 53 secs
About this Episode
This episode is the second of the two part chat the guys have when they hang out with their friend and comedian Amani Taylor. Amani hosts weekly comedy shows at The Local 907, Trencher’s, and The Hanger 205. People can find him on Facebook and at his website AmaniTaylor.com.
1:35 – Justin reminds listeners of their Patron account, gives a shout out to Castle Security and Protection, and talks about the upcoming event at the Museum of Glass, Dare 2 Stair, happening on February 24th. Justin talks about turning his wife onto Quantum Leap, Amani suggests the doing a reboot of the show, and they discuss other shows of the 80’s they loved. Amani brings up A Team, the switch up in movies and shows from serious acting in the 70’s to special effects in the 80’s, and Jean Claude Van Damme’s performance in the original Predator.
14:12 – Justin talks about other movies Jean Claude Van Damme’s appeared in, they discuss movies in the 80’s that haven’t held up over the years, and the universal hero formula used throughout the 80’s. Scott talks about It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, walking out of the movie Get Shorty, and Justin talks about what drove him to walk out of the movie Speed Racer. Justin reflects on watching Mach, Scott talks about the movie he was most disappointed in, and Justin talks about the comics he collected in the 90’s.
26:47 – Scott talks about his daughters love for The Watchmen, Justin talks about tha various comic book based things he collects, and they talk about the comic book heroes they love. Amani brings up Marvel Masterpieces, Scott talks about cards where artists made basketball players into super heroes, and Amani reflects on how he felt when he heard Super Man died. The guys talk about recent Marvel Movies that have come out, Justin brings up the Marvel / Fox merger, and Amani and Justin give their review of the movie Logan.
43:35 – The guys talk about rules of people vomiting at parties, Amani discusses the difference between honor and dignity, and they share stories on fights they’ve been in. Amani shares the most common type of people that he found were fighters while working in private security, Scott talks about how quickly fights can happen, and they finish this episode with Jeff sharing info on Otters.
Thanks again to Amani for joining them for another interesting conversation!
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