Co-Host of The Grit City Podcast
Brogan has hosted 130 Episodes.
The Studio - After Hours with Rusty
August 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 mins
rusty, the church cantina
Everyone hangs out at The Studio with Rusty, talk trash, and have a few drinks. He tells us about The Church Cantina.
Definitely not safe for work but a great time! -
Art on The Ave
July 23rd, 2018 | 54 mins 52 secs
art on the ave, devil's reef, lyon pride, mary mart, misha, o'malley's, rusty, steve dunkelberger, tacoma, tacoma cabana, washington
We check out Art on The Ave, have a few drinks and talk to all the cool people you know from past episodes.
Best Of - Spun
July 16th, 2018 | 1 hr 16 mins
art, artists, clay, derek, gcfu, grit city follow up, rolling misadventures, sometimes geek, spun, studio, tacoma, washington
First a Grit City Follow Up with The Sometimes geek Derek, who tells us about his new podcast Rolling Misadventures. Then we give you a GCP Best Of: Spun.
Ben Andrews - RenCon
July 9th, 2018 | 43 mins 6 secs
bill baker, bullet train, comic book convention, europe, grit city, rencon, renton, tacoma, washington, world cup
Ben Andrews tells us about RenCon and what it's like starting and running a comic book convention.
Bill Baker makes a quick guest appearance as well. -
Best Of - Blue Helix
July 2nd, 2018 | 1 hr 7 mins
best of, blue helix, music, musician, sami chohfi, tacoma, washington
This week we revisit our interview with Sami Chohfi of Blue Helix.
Pretty Gritty Tours - Chris Staudinger
June 25th, 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
chris staudinger, history, pretty gritty, tacoma, tours
Chris makes a stop by our temporary home, Wizard's Keep, to talk about his new tour business in Tacoma, Pretty Gritty Tours.
Puzzle and Game Designer - Mike Selinker
June 18th, 2018 | 52 mins 59 secs
axis and allies revised, grit, lone shark games, lords of vegas, mike selinker, pathfinder, president, puzzles, risk godstorm, seattle, tacoma, unspeakable words, washington
Mike Selinker is a puzzle and game designer based in Seattle, Washington. He is the president of the design studio Lone Shark Games. His puzzles appear in Wired magazine, the New York Times, Games magazine, and the Chicago Tribune. His games include Risk Godstorm, Lords of Vegas, Unspeakable Words, Axis & Allies Revised, and many others.
Best Of - Jake Bird
June 11th, 2018 | 34 mins 55 secs
axe murderer, free rpg day, gcfu, history, jake bird, killer, pacific northwest, pnw, railroad, role playing games, rpg, rusted portal, serial, tacoma, washington
This week we bring back one of our most popular episodes. The story of serial killer Jake Bird, told by our friend and history nut Steve Dunkelberger. Plus a GCFU from Rusted Portal.
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium Biologist Suzanne Akerman
May 21st, 2018 | 1 hr 17 secs
animals, bigfoot, biologist, drinking for conservation, otters, point defiance, suzanne akerman, unisloth, zoo
Biologist Suzanne Akerman stops in to talk a little about Drinking for Conservation, and zoos...and animals.
Fear and Loathing at Norwescon - Part 4
April 30th, 2018 | 1 hr 9 mins
convention, fantasy, fiction, norwescon, science, seatac, seattle, tacoma, washington
In the last installment of our Fear and Loathing at Norwescon series we check in with some of the original corrupters from Brogan and Justin's past. James and Rob tell their Norwescon histories and David from The Alexandria RPG lending library explains what they are doing.
Fear and Loathing at Norwescon - Part 3
April 23rd, 2018 | 1 hr 6 mins
action, author, gaming, horror, live, lok, norwescon, post-apocalyptic, role playing, rusted portal, seatac, tommy rice, washington, zombie
Author and huge human Tommy Rice talks about his book the LOK and the Rusted Portal guys stop in to talk about their game and Norwescon history.
Fear and Loathing at Norwescon - Part 2
April 16th, 2018 | 1 hr 1 min
action, convention, eldritch, fantasy, fiction, geek, kozar, larp, live, norwescon, pacific northwest, pnw, role playing, rusty, science, seatac, seattle, tacoma
In Part 2 of our Fear and Loathing at Norwescon series we bring in Kozar. The creator of Eldritch, a live action role playing game. He has also been attending Norwescon for some time. Substances are consumed and more stories are shared.